[u-u] Throwing gasoline on the fire..

u-u at unixunanimous.org u-u at unixunanimous.org
Mon Jul 23 11:36:52 EDT 2018

On Mon, 23 Jul 2018, Jim Mercer wrote:
|i find it sad the number of "sysadmins", particularly linux "sysadmins", who
|don't even have a basic grasp of vi, and use nano exclusively.
|this, combined with systemd, is what continues to make me shake my head at
|the knowledge level of incoming sysadmins.

	The problem with nano is that it exists mostly due
	to the unfortunate license terms of pine & pico -
	altho it's true that i still use "alpine" as my MUA,
	i refuse to use any emacs-derived editor syntax

	As for systemd, i do not get why there's so much
	backlash against it - as a long-time solaris admin,
	i found it similar enough to SMF that it wasn't hard
	to grok at all & it's in some ways less quirky

O .		Bruce Becker	Toronto, Ontario	+1 416 410 0879
  o  _///_ //	Email: bdb at 0123456789-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw.xyz
   <`)=  _<<	Cave Pilus Cani
      \\\  \\		( Beware of the Hair of the dog ;)

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