[u-u] Bolingbroke

Colin McGregor colin.mc151 at gmail.com
Thu May 10 09:44:39 EDT 2018

Thanks. Last evening when that number was offered, it went totally over my
head (the numbering scheme having been politicians). Henry IV was one of
the Shakespearian plays we didn't do in high school. A quick search turns
up the fact that English King Henry IV (1367 - 1413) was also known as
Henry Bolingbroke, because he was born in Bolingbroke Castle. Are Kings
politicians? I guess the answer is yes, sort of, as in theory they should
be above politics, but in practice very much involved with with the
political process even if they are not out campaigning for votes.

On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 8:43 AM, <arocker at vex.net> wrote:

> Anyone still puzzled by the reference will find the Shakespearean
> tautology uttered by Hotspur in Henry IV Part 1, Act 1 Scene 3.
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