[u-u] Suggestions for stopping occasional spurious use of commercial wi-fi

Adam Holland uu at vl-entropy.trade
Sun Sep 16 22:23:29 EDT 2018

This is a complete coincidence, but yesterday my housemate and his 
girlfriend realized that our microwave in the kitchen has become very 
leaky!  When I was heating up some hot dogs, both of their cell phones 
streaming video dropped to completely zero, and came back as soon as the 
microwave turned off 1 minute later.  We repeated this twice with 
shorter time spans, and the correlation is direct.

So if you really want to get militant with your wireless squatters, I 
have the right tool for you, heehee!


P.S. I was going to look to borrow a microwave testing unit, but 
actually I think I want to have one to keep, since you can't really tell 
if a microwave is leaking until it gets that bad.  I mean, we have smoke 
detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, so why not test our microwave 
once per month or something?

On 2018-09-16 01:45 PM, David Collier-Brown wrote:
> I have a Rogers-supplied router and cable modem package, which twice 
> has shown significant usage when I was out, once with the original 
> unit and once with their replacement Cisco.  That makes me suspicious 
> of the current state of authentication for wi-fi schemes (and I use 
> the term "schemes" advisedly: they used to horribly leaky (;-))
> What's a good approach? I have considered
>   * MAC address lists,
>   * no wi-fi (strictly wired doesn't work with solid concrete walls),
>   * a second router with a more secure protocol (/is/ there such a
>     protocol? And will my wife's Mac speak it?))
>   * something I haven't thought of
> --dave
> [The usage never runs me over my limit: I think someone is using me 
> for downloads that might put /them/ over their limit]
> -- 
> David Collier-Brown,         | Always do right. This will gratify
> System Programmer and Author | some people and astonish the rest
> davecb at spamcop.net            |                      -- Mark Twain
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