[u-u] UU the sci-fi short film...

Colin McGregor colin.mc151 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 30 03:41:57 EDT 2019

Ah, sorry, the problem of sending an e-mail out without enough sleep. The
film can be seen here:


The film is titled : Sci-Fi Short Film "UU" presented by DUST

All the best.


On Sat, Jun 29, 2019 at 9:08 PM Colin McGregor <colin.mc151 at gmail.com>

> Okay, other than title nothing to do with Unix Unanimous. An under 9
> minute long film about a future society where almost nobody sleeps and
> those who do sleep are treated as criminals. The cinematography is very
> good, the rest is ... so-so, so at best conditionally recommended. Still,
> just for the title I thought it might be of interest.
> Colin.
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