[u-u] Kit recycling

Doug Lee douglee at vex.net
Fri Dec 4 12:15:27 EST 2015

I don't know of anything specific but know of two people who have found 
working core2duo machines in the garbage. I was present for one of them. 
It was a Lenovo desktop with working DVD, hard drive and embedded Intel 
graphics. It had a corrupted slow windows installation and ran great with 
a fresh Linux install, able to play HD video etc. Broken Windows 
installations are your friend!! This machine had a core2duo sticker on the 
outside and the case opened without tools so was easy to evaluate on a 
chance encounter. This appears to be the new normal for garbage picking 
and these machines are more than adequate for most normal computing. I am 
typing this on a core2duo laptop which can run virtual machines, the 
latest biggest bloated operating systems and even a lot of 3d games. I 
expect it will still be useful in 10-20 years. This one has 8GB of ram and 
most desktops will probably take 16. Usually they shipped with at least 
2GB. If your friend really wants something, walking around neighbourhoods 
on garbage day may be very lucrative. Go forth and garbage pick. The 
current offerings are future proof enough for years of computing happiness 

My friend gave his find away to Above All Electronics on the south side of 
Bloor east of Palmerston. If your friend can spend a little money, he 
might be able to get that or a similar machine there quite cheap. Another 
friend in Calgary bought a Dell core2duo laptop at a garage sale for $5.00
On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, arocker at Vex.Net wrote:

> Does anybody have, or know of, any moderately modern x86 equipment being
> dumped?
> A friend needs, at a minimum, a DVD drive and a motherboard capable of
> supporting it. The box and a hard drive would be a bonus.
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