[u-u] Cheap/free VOIP home phone

Ken Burtch ken at pegasoft.ca
Sun May 24 20:46:47 EDT 2020

On 2020-05-24 1:54 p.m., Dan Astoorian wrote:
> Has anyone here had any experiences, good or bad, with freephoneline.ca
> (the actual service, as opposed to the admittedly nonexistent support)?
> Anyone have experiences with other non-business free or low-cost VOIP
> providers they would recommend using, or avoiding?
> Thanks,

I'm using OOMA, which is $5/month for basic service.  i haven't had any 
problems with it.

I still read this mailing list, though the UU meetings often conflict 
with other activities and I don't get out to the meetings.

Ken B.

Ken O. Burtch
Open Source Entrepreneur, Linux Architect & Author
289.432.1337 / ken at pegasoft.ca  / www.pegasoft.ca/homes/kburtch.html

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