[u-u] Cheap/free VOIP home phone

Unix Unanimous u-u at mail.unixunanimous.org
Mon May 25 13:21:04 EDT 2020

On Sun, 24 May 2020, Dan Astoorian wrote:
|Has anyone here had any experiences, good or bad, with freephoneline.ca
|(the actual service, as opposed to the admittedly nonexistent support)?
|Anyone have experiences with other non-business free or low-cost VOIP
|providers they would recommend using, or avoiding?

	I've been using vbuzzer for years - they're very good


	buzz canada-usa US$5.99/mo

	up to 2 extra "clone" devices  US$1.45/mo ea.

O .		Bruce Becker	Toronto, Ontario	+1 416 410 0879
  o  _///_ //	Email: bdb at 0123456789-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw.xyz
   <`)=  _<<	Although the moon is smaller than the earth,
      \\\  \\		it is farther away.

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